CFF is a not-for-profit carbon service provider enabling Australian landholders to own 100% of their carbon credits.
Earn high-integrity carbon credits without lock-in contracts, thanks to our flexible fee-for-service model.
Be rewarded for planting trees and good land management practices, because sustainable farming should benefit you and Australian land.
We offer a variety of project services under the Australian Government’s ACCU Scheme. Our focus is on the Reforestation, Plantation Forestry and Soil methods. We also offer services for Carbon Accounting and measuring biodiversity through Accounting for Nature.
We offer two levels of feasibility assessments to support you at different stages of your project. Our feasibility presentation includes an opportunity for Q&A, providing clarity and insights. For a more detailed financial analysis, our feasibility report offers an in-depth evaluation tailored to your needs.
Project Set-up
We have proven experience in project registration, design, and planning, ensuring your project is tailored to your land and fully compliant with relevant methodology requirements.
Ongoing Services
Once your project is up and running, we're still here to help. We can assist with offset reporting, credit issuance, audit facilitation and additional services you may need.
Learn more about our
Carbon Farming 101
Learn the ins and outs of carbon farming to see if it’s the right fit for you.
Plantation Forestry Carbon Farming
Your land, your profits
Sign up for our
The Carbon Farming Foundation (ABN 67 645 498 004) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (AFS Representative No.001298535) of True Oak Investments Pty Ltd (ABN 81 002 558 956, AFSL 238184).
The information on this website is general financial product advice only. It does not take your personal financial objectives, situation or needs into consideration. We recommend that you read our Financial Services Guide and consider seeking independent advice before making a financial decision.