Carbon Accounting

Understanding your emissions

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CFF offers Carbon Accounting services that help landholders effectively track their carbon emissions.

Before you start working to reduce your farming operation’s greenhouse gas emissions, it’s crucial to first assess the impact you’re currently having.


Our carbon accounting service involves calculating the emissions from your farm based on your inputs and processes. It provides a clear picture of how many tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent are generated by your operations each year.


Armed with this knowledge, you can prioritise your efforts to:

1. Reduce your operational and supply chain emissions
2. Inset any remaining emissions by producing carbon credits.


The Carbon Accounting service can be used on its own or as part of the Environmental Planting, Plantation Forestry or Soil Carbon services we offer.

How we can help

You can’t manage what you don’t measure


We’ll assist you in establishing your property’s initial carbon account using the AIA Environmental Accounting Platform (AIA EAP), equipping you with the tools and knowledge needed to track your emissions.


Our comprehensive report will detail the types and sources of emissions from your land and offer a variety of strategies to help you reduce your impact. Additionally, you have the option to include a carbon farming feasibility assessment to estimate the potential carbon credits your property could generate.

Keen to discuss Carbon Accounting?