
Accounting for Nature

Quantify environmental improvements to your land

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Measure Natural Capital with Accounting for Nature

We can help you measure the co-benefits of your carbon project.

Unlock the full potential of your land by accurately measuring and improving its environmental condition with the Accounting for Nature (AfN) framework.


Our team, comprised of three accredited AfN experts, is equipped to assess and quantify the environmental benefits of your carbon farming activities, both before and after implementation.

Why Choose Accounting for Nature?

The growing nature capital market offers a unique opportunity to assign financial value to environmental improvements. By leveraging this market, you can trade Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) while also capturing premium co-benefits.

Our Comprehensive Service

CFF provides scoping assessments to help determine if the AfN process suits your project, including:


  • Defining the purpose of your environmental account
  • A materiality assessment to evaluate and prioritise the environmental assets on your property
  • Defining the scope of your Environmental Account
  • Choosing a method that reflects your purpose and scope
  • Planning your account
  • Sourcing quotes from ‘Asset Experts’
  • Calculating project costs and timeframes.


Should you decide to register for an AfN project, we provide expert guidance throughout the certification and reporting stages.


If you are incorporating an Environmental Account into an ACCU Scheme Project to measure co-benefits, we ensure both processes are seamlessly integrated to maximise efficiency and minimise costs.

Enhance Your Carbon Projects

Our AfN certification integrates seamlessly with our other carbon services, ensuring that your carbon projects achieve the highest quality outcomes. Whether you are registering an AfN project or combining it with an ACCU Scheme Project, we are here to streamline the process and optimize the value of your environmental efforts.


If you’re adding an Environmental Account to an ACCU Scheme Project to quantify co-benefits, we can ensure both processes align to save you time and money.


Keen to chat about how Accounting for Nature could work for you?

Want to speak to us about how an Environmental Condition Assessment with Accounting for Nature could work for your land? Get in touch with us here.