It’s full steam ahead for CFF’s Carbon Demonstration Project at Weelhamby after the CF-LRP has announced it will receive government funding.
On Thursday 13th January 2022, the Western Australian State Government announced that the Weelhamby Soil & Environmental Planting Carbon Project will receive funding under the State Government’s $15 million Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program (CF-LRP). The CF-LRP was established to support the development of carbon farming throughout WA, specifically carbon projects that deliver broader environmental, social, and economic co-benefits.
Located in the north-east of Western Australia’s Wheatbelt, the Weelhamby Carbon Project is a soil and tree-based project which seeks to show the viability of carbon farming in a low rainfall area, while operating a profitable mixed-farming operation.
As one of the first carbon projects to receive funding under this government scheme, this announcement is huge news for the Weelhamby investor group, which includes the CFF as a key partner.
Putting the Carbon Projects Back in the Hands of Farmers
As investors and strategic partners of the Weelhamby Carbon Project, the CFF has been heavily involved in the project since day dot.
We are using the project to develop and demonstrate our flexible carbon farming model providing software, guidebooks, training, and support services to the Weelhamby farm management team. For example, we developed an easy-to-use DIY Mapping Guide to enable the Weelhamby team to precisely map out a strategic planting design to ensure carbon activity does not overlap, and productive areas are used efficiently.
Ken Bailey
Weelhamby Project Agronomist
Initiating Positive Environmental Change
The investment group behind the Weelhamby Carbon Project, led by David Martin, started the project to demonstrate how the agricultural sector can help combat climate change through storing carbon in soils and vegetation.
To restore local biodiversity, a richly biodiverse mix of local tree and shrub species will be strategically planted across Weelhamby in Winter 2022. This revegetation will link 1500 Ha of the remnant vegetation with three surrounding nature reserves and is expected to significantly enhance biodiversity outcomes in the area.
Blazing the Industry Trail
A primary aim of the Weelhamby Carbon Project is to demonstrate that through strategic planning and careful changes in management, carbon farming can generate real results without locking up productive farmland.
As opposed to a standalone carbon project, the Weelhamby project features an innovative land management plan that focuses on using vegetation and soil sequestration to best enhance the overall property management.
With the findings from this project soon to become publicly available, the Weelhamby Carbon Project will serve as a case study for Australian landowners looking to start their carbon farming journey. This project seeks to show that it is possible to build and maintain soil and reforestation carbon projects in low rainfall areas with the right agronomy and management practices.
Ready to find out more?
Explore our range of educational resources in our Carbon Farming Education Hub where we frequently publish educational articles, webinars, and guidebooks.
When you’re ready to explore the feasibility of undertaking a carbon project on your property, email us at or give us a bell at (08) 6835 1140 to be connected with one of our project facilitators.