Reduced Audit Requirements for Eligible Plantation Forestry Projects

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CFF welcomes the Clean Energy Regulator’s announcement that reduced audit requirements are now available for eligible Plantation Forestry projects.  

Eligible projects can now opt-in to these ‘alternative assurance’ arrangements, which means only one schedule audit is required. Previously, these projects would have required a minimum of three audits. This is expected to reduce administrative burden and participation costs, making the Plantation Forestry Method more accessible.  

Eligible projects can be either new or existing, and must: 

  • Be operating under either Schedule 1 (establishing a new plantation) or Schedule 2 (conversion of short to long plantation forests) of the 2022 Plantation Forestry method. 2017 methods can transfer to the 2022 method to access this opportunity.  
  • Have a total Carbon Estimation Area of no more than 200 hectares. 


Projects that meet these criteria will still be required to conduct an initial audit to ensure the project meets the requirements of the method and has correctly calibrated FullCAM, but will not be required to undertake any subsequent audits. 


This provides a similar benefit to those offered by the ACCU Scheme’s Environmental Plantings Pilot, which CFF is pleased to have assisted multiple landowners to access.  


As plantation projects are easy to observe, are planted in a uniform manner, and usually only contain a single species, the Regulator has high confidence that it can use alternative measures to verify the success of the plantation without compromising integrity. 


“The introduction of these reduced requirements is really encouraging” said CFF’s COO, Helena Bowler.  


“Setting robust criteria for eligible projects ensures that the arrangements are low-risk, therefore maintaining method integrity. We believe this will have a very positive impact on participation in these activities and look forward to working with landowners to establish projects under this program.” 

We are thrilled about the opportunities this presents for more landholders to engage in and benefit from Plantation Forestry projects across Australia. 


Think you may have land or an existing project that would be well-suited to these reduced audit requirements? Reach out to our team here: 

43B Town View Terrace
Margaret River
WA Australia, 6285

(08) 6835 1140

[email protected]

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