It’s full steam ahead at Weelhamby Farm, in the mid-west of WA.
70,000 Trees Delivered
70,000 mixed native tree seedlings have arrived at Weelhamby Farm in preparation for planting across 237 hectares of shelterbelts and tree blocks. With direct seeding finished, the first inch of seeds sprouted, and 30mm of rain arriving in the past fortnight, the seedlings are ready to find a home in the red dirt.
Thank you to Dan Wildy at Woodland Services for this work toward seedling planting, Tim Emmott at E-Scapes Environmental for the direct seeding efforts, and Chatfields, Noongar Land Enterprise and Wongan Trees for the supply of seedlings.
The Design Plan
This biodiverse environmental planting carbon project will see shelterbelts and blocks strategically integrated as wildlife corridors to connect 1,500 hectares of remnant vegetation.
The shelterbelts incorporate a biodiverse design alternating between a row of seedlings and then direct-seeded rows. This design helps to protect the understory while giving upper story trees the best chance of survival.
The Soil Side of The Story
The Weelhamby Carbon Project is underway to become a pioneering site, demonstrating how both environmental planting and soil carbon projects can be profitably integrated into a mixed-farming operation in a low rainfall area of Western Australia.
Alongside the tree planting, Weelhamby Farm will soon begin the soil carbon management strategy which includes establishing multi-species perennial pastures and rotational grazing of sheep in combination with commercial cropping of wheat, barley and oats.
Blazing the Industry Trail
Earlier this year, the Weelhamby Soil & Reforestation Carbon Project received funding under the WA State Government’s $15 million Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program (CF-LRP).
With the findings from this project soon to become publicly available, Weelhamby Farm’s carbon project will serve as a case study for Australian landowners who are looking to start their carbon farming journey. The project seeks to show that it is possible to build and maintain soil and environmental planting carbon projects in low rainfall areas with the right agronomy and management practices.
You can learn more about the funding & Weelhamby Farm here.
Keen to grow your carbon farming knowledge?
Explore our range of educational resources in our Carbon Farming Education Hub where we frequently publish educational articles, webinars, and guidebooks.
When you’re ready to explore the feasibility of undertaking a carbon project on your property, email us at [email protected] or give us a bell at (08) 6835 1140 to be connected with one of our project facilitators.